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Monday, March 3, 2008

To get where you're going

Last night I met up with my photographer friend Star Bradshaw and talk about our love for photography, how far we've come from photographing in manual for several several years to finally bring our passion of film to the level of digital, and making a biz out of it. Susan and I have been testing different waters, finding our niche, and deciding which current to float along to. In reflecting last nights conversation, and our current issues, I came across this site and its very detailed information. It's definitely a must read!

Here is a bit from Marianne Drenthe's site on Custom Photography:


Approaching it from a time standpoint, for instance let’s imagine if you will that you have hired a photographer who has work that you love and that is travelling an hour to your on location session. TIme break down:

* session prep time (30 mins - 1 hour, includes equipment and back up equipment checks + vehicle checks)
* one hour travel time TO session
* 15-30 minutes prep time at client’s home
* 90 minutes-2 hours with client photographing subject
* one hour travel time FROM session
* 30-45 minutes uploading time from digital cards from camera to computer
* 30-45 minutes time spent backing up the original images
* 2-5 hours editing time to present you with a diverse gallery of edited images
* 1 hour prep time getting ready for ordering
* 2-3 hours time with client for ordering images
* 1 hour sorting through and checking order
* 30 minutes-1 hour prep time for deliveryhttp://www.blogger.com/img/gl.link.gif
* 30 minutes-1 hour getting order shipped
* any additional phone time or time needed for add on ordering, shipment issues, quality issues

As you can see, average client time for a session ranges from just under 13 hours to 19 hours dependent on the photographer’s level of service. This is time dedicated only to your session. When the photographer charges $150-$300 for the photo shoot you are not just paying for the two hours of session time, you are paying the photographer for 12-19 hours complete time for your session.

ooo but there's more...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey .. thats only 12-15$ an hour for the amazing photos you do thats a GREAT DEAL!!!! You should be paid more!!! XoxoxoX


Modified by Danielle